Baldwin LightStream – A Pioneer of Fiber Optics

Baldwin LightStream has been nationally recognized as a pioneer in bringing fiber optics into the home. We were ahead of the trend in recognizing the incredible advantage fiber could bring to our customers and we continue to grow our world-class fiber-optics network. In association with powerful national, regional, state, and local organizations, we are more committed than ever to advancing our outbuild and providing more and more customers with next-gen technology.
Install Fiber-Optic Cable
In 2008 we began upgrading our copper facilities in our rural service areas and in 2010 we were awarded a $9 million federal grant under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to install fiber-optic cable in the underserved Town of Troy.
Extended Fiber Outreach
In 2014 we extended our fiber outreach to serve the City of New Richmond’s Health and Human Services location and we are currently adding fiber throughout the city to connect additional anchor businesses, an expansion will take us west to the St. Croix Crossing and provide a redundant fiber route to the Town of Hudson service area.
Through our commitment and powerful partnerships and associations, we have helped make St. Croix County an integral hub in the state’s developing fiber optics network and have become the go-to resource for companies looking for world-class communications capabilities.
Hudson Fiber Upgrade
In 2019 we completed our Fiber upgrade in Hudson WI
Baldwin & Woodville Fiber Upgrade
Completed our Fiber upgrade to the Villages of Baldwin and Woodville
Fiber-To-The-Home Technology
Baldwin LightStream was an early adopter of fiber optics, and we are dedicated to furthering the technological capabilities of our customers across St. Croix County. In 2002 we were recognized by the US Department of Agriculture for being the first independent telephone company in Wisconsin to deploy fiber-to-the-home technology in green field developments, an effort that supports smart products and enhances connection reliability.
Village of Roberts Fiber
Announced our Village of Roberts Fiber.
FTTP (Fiber To The Premises) brings the ultimate in technology right into your home.
Fiber optics not only provide clearer television, advanced communications, and future-ready upgrades — they increase home property values by $5,000 or more. Since 2008 Baldwin LightStream has installed more than 500 miles of FTTP buildout across the county, providing lightning-fast connectivity across our rural ILEC (Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier) service area. For more information on FTTP availability in your area, please call us at 877-684-3346 and visit the links below.