Telephone Features, Set-up, and Voicemail

We were founded as one of the region’s first telephone carriers and have continued to innovate for our customers for more than 115 years. We also offer personalized service built on our hometown values. For more information and friendly assistance, please call us at 877-684-3346.Your phone service is built on ever-advancing technology noted for superior clarity and reliability. It also includes a variety of easy-to-use advantages that make communicating faster, easier, and more productive than ever before.
Want an answering machine, but do not want to purchase another piece of equipment?
Voicemail answers your calls with your personalized greeting and saves all responding messages for retrieval at your convenience. Voicemail answers calls when you are away or on another call. You can retrieve your messages from your own phone or from another phone any where in the world. Also with BTI Voicemail, you have the option to add Voicemail to Email.
Check your voicemail by dialing *98 from your landline phone or by using the local access number below.
- Baldwin 715-684-6245
- Hammond 715-684-6245
- Hudson 715-690-2000
- New Richmond 715-690-2000
- Roberts 715-760-3000
- Town of Troy 715-629-8000
- Woodville 715-698-6245
Your mailbox number is the telephone number for which the mailbox has been set up. When setting up your mailbox, the technician will assign a default password of 1234. You may program your own password once your mailbox has been established. We do encourage you to use your own password for security reasons.
- Dial your local access number.
- Listen to the recording explaining that you must record a new greeting.
- Enter the PIN of 1234 and then #.
- Press 9 to access mailbox setup options.
- Press 1 for greeting options.
- Press 2 to record your greeting.
- When finished recording, press #.
- Dial your local access number.
- Press 9 to access mailbox setup options.
- Press 2 to change your password (PIN).
- Enter your new PIN and press #.
- When prompted to verify the PIN, enter it again and then press #.
Community Calling and Long-Distance Rates

Extended Community Calling (ECC)
ECC is a calling plan that allows customers to call people in adjacent telephone exchanges without paying normal long-distance charges. The plan also includes calls within 15 miles even if the exchanges are not adjacent. ECC calls require dialing the full 10-digit telephone number. ECC was created by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin to minimize the costs for people needing to call schools, government offices, medical facilities, and other places of interest. These calls are now classified as local at a cost of $.05 per minute and are bulk billed on your phone statement showing total minutes used at the $.05 rate. You can receive an itemized billing of your ECC calls by calling us at 877-684-3346. There is a $3 per month charge for itemized billing.
Extended Area Service (EAS)
Baldwin, Hammond, and Woodville subscribers share the same EAS calling area and may dial each other direct without toll charges. Calls placed to communities within this EAS are included in your local telephone charges. To call within this EAS area, dial all ten digits of the party you wish to call. Click here for EAS listings.
Long Distance (LD)
Baldwin and Woodville ILEC subscribers’ normal long-distance fees are charged at $0.05 per minute.
Hammond, Hudson, New Richmond, River Falls and Roberts CLEC subscribers’ normal long-distance fees are charged at $0.05 per minute.
Alaska/Hawaii/800 Rate $0.09
International Calling Policy & Rates
Interstate and international toll calls are strictly regulated, and Baldwin LightStream customers should be aware of the basic policies and rates affecting their service. When you make a toll call over our broadband network you are accepting terms and conditions, which include predetermined charges. Please review the links below for policy and rate information and call us at 877-684-3346 for any additional information.
Alaska/Hawaii/800 Rate $0.09